Laundry service in Rovereto sud

Since April 2019 a laundry service has been operating at the truck park area in Rovereto Sud, providing users with 3 washing machines and 3 dryers, located in a dedicated area in the same building housing the toilets.

The washing cycle automatically includes: softener and disinfectant detergent.

Users can pay by cash (with payment in euro both with banknotes and coins, with possibility of change), ATM (with PIN code typing) or credit card.

Users can select two tarifs:

- one for washing, which also includes the cost for detergent, softener and disinfectant.

- one for drying clothes.

If necessary, please contact our staff available 24 hours a day.
Non-payment report
Toll: how is it calculated
Service Centres
Toll redund and billing
Electric mobility
Truck parks
Exceptional transport
Electrical charging points
Laundry service in Rovereto sud
De-icing system
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