Special transports

Official Websitehttps://www2.autostrade.it/BVSPortal/#/home

This section is dedicated to those requiring information about driving on the A22 in vehicles that exceed, in terms of size (length, width and height) and/or mass, the limits set down by the New Traffic Regulations (otherwise known in Italian as ‘trasporti eccezionali’ and in English ‘special transports’) and that therefore require specific authorization by the motorway owner or operator.

The special transports office (Ufficio Trasporti Eccezionali) of Autostrada del Brennero is in charge of issuing the following types of authorization: single, multiple, periodic.Single authorizations are issued for only one trip and in only one direction, to be performed within a given period of time. Multiple authorizations refer to a specific number of trips to be performed within a given period of time, and are issued only if the following conditions are met: the load is always the same in nature, type, size and mass, and the predefined itinerary is always the same. Periodic authorizations apply to an unspecified number of trips to be performed in a given period of time.

Ufficio Trasporti Eccezionali (special transports office) located at the Trento Nord
Via Innsbruck 19, Piano Terra - BLOCCO A - 38121 Trento
Ph. +39 0461.212616 – 212617 – 212618 - trasporti.eccezionali@autobrennero.it

Non-payment report
Toll: how is it calculated
Service Centres
Toll redund and billing
Electric mobility
Truck parks
Exceptional transport
Electrical charging points
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De-icing system
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