The A22 is 314 km in length and links the town of Brennero (km 0) to Modena (km 314), crossing four regions along the way: Trentino-South Tyrol, Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. Both northbound and southbound carriageways have two 3.75 m wide trafficlanes, plus a 2.5 m wide break-down lane, which has been widened to 3.5 m between Egna and Verona.

A22 Mappe

Along the Brenner motorway, there are 142 bridges and viaducts and 146 overpasses. The bridge is the materialisation of the road when it is separated from the ground to cross obstacles, whether natural or artificial. The extreme variability of conditions that the environment imposes on the structure gives rise to a great variety of types and shapes found in bridges. As works of engineering, they involve a transformation of nature so as to adapt it to human needs. These works thus fit into the geographical environment and become part of it. The new landscape that encompasses the work becomes different from the previous one and inevitably has a different impact on the observer who cannot avoid noticing it. For these reasons, in designing and implementing the renovation of overpasses, the A22 aims to implement works capable of connoting the individual areas with architectural peculiarities, capable not only of enhancing their image, but also of reducing the environmental impact as much as possible. Therefore, modern and efficient, but at the same time aesthetically pleasing works are designed and built, works of high value that are able to represent a strong urban signal for the surrounding area, without sacrificing static and functional rigour. At the same time, the maintenance and renovation work is aimed at adapting the structures from a static point of view, in order to increase their load-bearing capacity in accordance with the limits set by the new standards, from a seismic point of view and from a geometric and functional point of view, in accordance with the current traffic requirements and the relevant standards.


There are 30 single-direction tunnels along the A22 (12.6 km); four of them are over 500 m long and abide by Di-rective 2004/54/EC on safety requirements for tunnels, namely the Brennero, Fortezza, Bolzano (Virgolo) and Tren-to (Piedicastello) tunnels.


Most of the 146 fyovers spanning the A22 have been up-graded and are designed and built as local architectural features, with the lowest possible impact on the environ-ment.

HGV parking areas and driver services
Autostrada del Brennero offers various types of  rest  areas  specifially  dedicated  to  HGVs, allowing haulage drivers to comply with man-datory rest rules with an adequate degree of comfort (EC Reg. No. 561/2006, in force since 2007). Over the years, the Company has upgraded and improved these facilities. Some are located at the service areas (Pa-ganella est, Paganella ovest, Campogalliano ovest), one is located at the Plessi Museum rest area and yet another (former Dogana ovest) is located a short distance away, while the other fie (Sadobre truck park, Brennero Casa Lupo, Firmian, Trento nord Interport, Rovereto sud) are dedicated areas designed to provide specificand diverse services for both drivers and HGVs. These include personal care services (toilets, showers, food, refreshment points with vending machines, laundry service), vehicle services (refuelling, de-icing, charging points for refriger-ated trucks), security (lighting, CCTV surveillance), infor-mation and IT services (trafficinformation, weather, crit-ical situations on special monitors) and general services (cashpoints).

Light vehicle parking areas
Outside all its motorway stations, Autostrada del Brennero has built light vehicle parking areas with a view to optimising the use of means of transport and helping reduce air and noise pollution. Charging points for electric vehicles are now available at the Rovereto sud, Affi and Manova nord parking areas.
Non-payment report
Toll: how is it calculated
Service Centres
Toll redund and billing
Electric mobility
Truck parks
Exceptional transport
Electrical charging points
Laundry service in Rovereto sud
De-icing system
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